Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Qfwfq Entry

The story of Qfwfq, as portrayed in "The Aquatic Uncle", by Italo Calvino, tells of an amphibian who falls in love with a reptile, Lll. Yet, when she meats his great-uncle N'ba N'ga, she falls in love with him. However, this is merely due to Lll's unfaithfulness, but Qfwfq's selfish behavior, also contributed to his social demise. It is his unwillingness to change and hypocrisy that eventually leads to his destiny.

When Qfwfq first introduces his uncle N'ba N'ga, he notes him as stubborn and cruel to his word. He states, "It just wasn't possible to make him accept a reality different from his own" (73). The uncle just didn't seem to be able to understand the advantages of living on land rather than water. However, Qfwfq's hypocritical gestures in the future show that he isn't an amphibian of his word.

Later, Qfwfq allows his fiance, Lll, and his great-uncle to meet. She is enlightened on the advantages of living on water, which ironically, Qfwfq doesn't want to hear. And further into the story, Lll too has chosen water over land, but he does not allow it. In response, Qfwfq uses a large number of insults to the idea. He sarcastically states, "That's a big step forward" (80); "Why you're crazy! Nobody can turn back!" (81); and even "Stop repeating that old fool's nonsense" (81). As a result of these non-scientific comments, she leaves with a simple good-bye. In the beginning of the story, he stated how stubborn his uncle was, yet when the tables turn, Qfwfq does exactly that.

The narrarating Qfwfq, an older incarnation, always starts his stories alone and he ends alone. This is due to his inability to act unselfishly. This has brought him into multiple misadventures, with the Aquatic Uncle being only one of his tragedies. His own personal quarrels have affected him externally, specifically socially. His hypocrisy has provided many obstacles that he chooses to avoid rather than face. His stubbornness has led to him being alone to begin with, and ending up alone at the end of the story.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Chapter ??? WIP

A mere work in progress for one of the chapters in the future. In this one, the main character describes his newfound relationship with a colleague and its effect on the relationship between him and John. This chapter is not done and I am just posting it for responses on detail improvement.

Since the previous chapters haven't been posted yet, the main premise is, years after the death of John's mother, his father falls in love again, but John isn't too keen on her.

These stories are not to make fun of John Hamilton, a student at my school. Although the purpose of this blog's title was to, this story isn't. The name John is used simply because that's the name on the blog. Any usages of names of my fellow classmates in the future may be.

I never thought I'd fall in love again. But there was something different about her. Maybe it was the way she waltzed by my marble-slated cubicle during lunch. Or maybe it was her whole-hearted, off-white smile.

I figured John already knew. I had started coming home late; I even talked to her in front of him. But he wasn't always the brightest kid. I remember in the days after his mother died, he stopped walking, as if he never knew how to. He would keep crawling across the wooden tiled hallway, as if she was waiting for him on the other side. For the next week, he didn't want to go out of the apartment, play with his toys, or even watch his favorite T.V. show: Dragon Tails. And he never seemed to catch my message, probably since he was too busy playing with Pedro, her son.

It was as if they knew each other their whole lives; even though to her and I, they seemed as opposite as night and day. Pedro grew his hair similar to his mother's: down to his shoulders, with a neat trim in the front. Sometimes it seemed even longer when he sat next to John, whose head was reminiscent of a brand new Chia Pet. And aside from just physical appearance, John had grown to be more of an attention hog...

Thursday, September 16, 2010


John just couldn’t put on a smile today. But who could blame him. A funeral is no place to be happy, especially when you’re the husband or son. There she lay, her face at peace; an expression completely different to mine. It all felt so unreal, like a dream, or more of a nightmare. And as the service ended, people began to clear out, except for John and I. We couldn’t move; our feet were entangled by the roots of our grief. After we paid our final respects to her, and she was whisked away by the staff, we were released from our trance, and grimly walked to the civic; one hand holding the keys; the other holding the boy’s.

As we rode home in the old, scratched car, I noticed tears rolling down John’s face. A sniffle came out, followed by a few moans. I was amazed that a mere three-year old boy understood the situation so well. And as the clock neared seven, his eyes began to droop, as if his eyelids became too heavy for him to hold up.

That night, I held him securely beside me on my double king size bed, which felt half empty that evening. But before the night turned to day, he awoke, and recurred to his wailing state. His feet began to shuffle, as if he were learning to walk on air. And I, not sure what to do, brought him to the kitchen, where I pulled out a bottle of breast milk, his last gift from his mother.

Afterwards, he resumed to his deep sleep, tucked into the boundaries of my arms. But I remained unable to sleep. Not insomnia or restlessness, but I couldn’t stop thinking about her: from the day I met her to this very night, where all she left me with was a child. And at that, my eyes closed, my fist unclenched itself, and I too, feel asleep with my dear son, all that was left of my everlong companion.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Abortion Rebuttal

Abortion; artificial, but effective; possibly immoral, yet efficient; is an issue that goes beyond these issues. Whether abortion truly is immoral or unnatural, the matter of the fact is that there will be people who try to get rid of their child with or without a legal abortion. They will try unlicensed abortions or even intentional miscarriages to get rid of it. And that is the issue politicians fight over: not legalizing abortions because their immoral, but to keep Americans from making life threatening decisions.

According to a 2009 survey, “millions of…women who become pregnant die from unlicensed a
bortion risk [such as lack of proper materials, or even unsafe recovery procedures]”. People will try to get rid of their baby whether abortions are legal or not. The risk of illegalizing abortions could be worth millions of lives.

Furthermore, if a baby were brought onto into the world by an unintended pregnancy followed by an unwillingness to receive an abortion will lead to an unwanted child. In most cases, that child will be abandoned; at best, they will be raised without a traditional family life, either with single parents or even only living with one. Whether the ideal is "moral" or "immoral", it is not only the choice of the mother, but this statement is also an opinion. The other side has even stated

"Yes, it is the choice and opinion of the mother to receive an abortion. She should choose whether an abortion would be legal or illegal."

Another reason that most fight against an abortion lays in the possible pain the baby deals with. However, keep in mind that abortion usually only occur within the first three months. At that point in time, the baby is barely developing. In addition the pregnancy terminates instantly, so it is impossible for the baby to feel pain.
In conclusion, illegal abortions will not stop people from having them, but will protect lives.