Friday, November 12, 2010

The One

The other day, I was discussing relationships with one of my friends. He had recently started dating, but was unsure if his +1 was “the one” for him. They were obviously an odd couple, evident racially and by the fact that they barely knew each other. However, they both seem to really want to make their relationship work, ignoring jeers and insults on the side. But does this make them soulmates, or are they just going through their honeymoon period? Is she really “the one” for him? And how many girls out there are “the one”(s) for any guy?

Are two people really destined to meet? A baby is born every six seconds, and yet everything that happens in their life could have been decided at that very moment. But, hypothetically, their could be two males that are just the same in every way, and they have a soulmate that are also the same as each other. Would it be possible for their destinies to interchange if the four met?

As confusing as my previous statement was/ is, I’m awestruck by the possibilities. If our fate is determined at birth, then we never actually make any of our decisions. Furthermore, we never choose our soulmates, which is just like in medieval times, where the parents would choose the bride/ groom rather than the two themselves.

But if our fate isn’t chosen at birth, then soulmates would never exist. Our fate would not progress until we further made a decision. For example, we would not be destined to marry someone until the day of the wedding. Then “the one” will only be an ideal soulmate, and we date whoever is closest to our personal standards.

So in the end, there are two possibilities. One, we have soulmates, and our fate is determined from the very moment we are concieved, at the cost of your choices being only an illusion provided by destiny. As a result, we would not have matured martially from midieval times. On the other end of the table, destiny doesn’t exist, and people may never find the perfect person for them. There’s just no positive way to think of it...


  1. Wow i cant believe u really posted this. Good job though.

  2. Hey check out my response post!

  3. I'm an awful person and don't usually read too many blog posts.. but I stumbled across this one and have to say that it's beautifully written, and you make some pretty amazing and ingenious points... I bow to you...

  4. I suppose I should follow the rules of responding so, here's a link to my response:
