Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Family History Project Connection - The American Dream

A pattern that can be observed from many of these stories are immigration and westernization. I found in various of these stories the tale of a family living in a foreign country, often very or mildly poor, moving to the United States. In three stories specifically, three families were all trying to manage and get by with what little they had, including mine. They then figured on trying the American dream and venturing out to the States. Those families had a child or more and so that child then became the first generation American in their family. This leads to various instances both good and bad.
        In all three stories, the family of the student has to go through some experience or various experiences that lead them to go to the US. In John Hamilton's family story, he didn't necessarily move to the states from a foreign country but rather from Texas to California. But the principle is still the same. His family was living in a difficult environment and as a result moved to California to seek out better opportunities.
       In Andy Lau's family story, he talks about how his mother lived in China  and had to endure many grueling experiences which lead her to move to the states to raise her child; Andy.
"My mom described how their family had to go to the local public shower rooms that were created for people who did not have showers or toilets in their houses. She described these as dirty and filthy places that she hated going to."
 we can see hear from one of the experiences his mother had to go through. That it not only gave her character but influenced her to come to America in hope of seeking the "American Dream". Another similar story, Jackson's, tells the story of his grandfather who came back to America from war to protest. He knew that across the Atlantic ocean the US would not do much so he instead came back to the States and became a protester and "hippie".
"After leaving, he, along with many of his friends, etc. began to protest the war. I guess you could say at one point he became the classic image of a “hippie."
In all these stories it's important to notice how most if not all of them tell the story of coming to the states to seek out something better. It shows what promises and ideas that were thought while creating America. That many if not almost everyone comes to America for work, safety, etc.
       In these three stories and other ones I have read, the story of how their parents came to America for saftey or better opportunities intrigues me and how they are now the first generation of their family. These patterns are not coincidence, but Westernization in a way. The goal of America was to make this land for the free where anythings are possible as long as you can dream it. That is why there are these emerging patterns.

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