Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Opening Statement

Many people dislike the view of population control. Some people even fear it. It is seen as a issue of humanity. Many books, such as “Among the Hidden”, are about the distressed lives of a third-born child, the target of most stories regarding population control. Population police run wild, catching and shooting any of them found. However, these books have completely misguided the methods of population control. They do not need to be violent and forbidden. Most people state that population control is a wrong to humanity. However, in reality they have merely become insensitive of the idea to limit their sexual desires for the sake of the planet.

The overwhelming human population in the earth is of two things: extended lives and babies every six seconds. Although neither are remarkably taboo, they have effects. Ever since the Industrial Revolution, human life was capable of living past their 30’s. This is a blessing in many ways. However, it has become an overaddressed issue, to the point where people are looking into stem cell research to find ways to live forever. Death is a natural part of life, and if this planet is to survive, having a never lowering population of humans will be an extreme overuse of resources. Although stem cells are a renownable medical procedure, I feel that using it to prolong a person’s life forever could cause major problems Imagine if Hitler lived forever.

In the same way, with the Baby Boom in the 30’s and the sex revolution in the 60’s, the rate of babies being born has increased dramatically over the past century. The saddest part of the huge sexual activity in modern times is that most people don’t even want a baby. They just want sex.

My solution is simple. We don’t need population police or strict population laws to fix this problem in America. Simply put, we just make the lives of those who go beyond the limit, whether it be being a third-born child or a man over 200. more difficult. For example, if someone has a child beyond the limit for offsprings, they recieve a minor fee that they pay once a year. This could be in addition to their taxes, or some other method. Furthermore, that child will recieve minor disbenefits such as being on the top of the draft list in wars when they turn 18. Simply, create laws that give minor rare requirements of these children. If the laws could not be abided, they can be fought in court like with all cases.

Population Control does not have to be violent or strict. It can be achieved through small steps.

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